Audiobook Review: White Trash Zombie Gone Wild (White Trash Zombie #5) by Diana Rowland

White Trash Zombie Gone Wild - Audible Studios,  Allison McLemore, Diana Rowland

My review and an extended sample of the audiobook are posted at


The end of the How The White Trash Zombie Got Her Groove Back, Angel was showing symptoms of her old self. As a matter of a fact, the final scene, she is hanging out with her ex-boyfriend Randy. Randy is not a good influence on Angel. I was not liking where this was going. I did reserve my judgement to see where this storyline was going before I started throwing too much of a fit. Let’s just say that Angel had a tough road in this book.


For most of the book, Angel is on her own to handle Zombiefest. Most of the major players in the Tribe have gone after Christie Cherish. Add all of this pressure on to the fact that Angel is having some addiction issues from the V-12 that she took in the previous book, and things get a little harried for Angel. But let’s get real, when are things not harried for Angel.


Angel makes some really bad decisions in this book. She puts herself on the line trying to protect people she shouldn’t be protecting. She doesn’t trust the people she should be trusting. There is lots of redneck drama. This book really put the “White Trash” in White Trash Zombie.

Son of a pissing hell bitch. This was a mess wrapped in a shitstorm and stuffed into a clusterfuck.

This kinda sums up poor Angel’s luck in this book. It seems like nothing seems to go her way. Some of it was because of poor choices that she made. There are other issues because, Angel being Angel, put others in front of herself.



Once again, Allison McLemore nails the narration of this series. She just has Angel’s voice down pat. This is an audio only series for me. Her ability to handle all the different different voices, and not just the hillbilly ones, really makes the difference in the story. I know the title suggests that all the characters are rednecks, but really, the majority of the characters are not. If you haven’t started this series yet, or even if you have, I highly recommend that you give this series a try on audio.
