White Knight (Cornerstone Run Trilogy #3) by Kelly Meade

White Knight - Kelly Meade, Kelly Meding

The Cornerstone Trilogy has been a great series for me.  While being a paranormal romance series, it was extremely dark and had more of a urban fantasy feel to it.  What I mean by that is that the overall story of the family was the main part of the plot of every story up to this point.  The romance of each book was almost more of a secondary part of the story of the trilogy.


This story is focused on Knight, the white wolf of the McQueen family and the Cornerstone pack.  He has been an integral part of the entire trilogy.  He has also been my favorite character.  I don't normally fall in love with angsty characters, but something about Knight made me love him.  As the white wolf of the pack, he is an empath and helps everyone in the pack with their emotions.  This is all well and good, until he is the one who needs the help.  He has had a rough road starting in Black Rook and the road doesn't appear like it is going to ever get easier.


Shay, as a former alpha's daughter and a black wolf, is a very strong woman.  She has shown that in the previous books.  She not only continues to show her strength in character, but she shows her ability to lead when she makes some great suggestions to Bishop. You could really see where her father trained her to be a future alpha female.


Bishop shows he was a great choice to lead the new mixed pack. Bishop is also great in his ability to listen to other options and taking the suggestions from a different packs culture.  He is willing to be flexible and take the best of each of the packs to make the best choices for this new pack.


While I enjoyed this story, it just didn't have the action or suspense of the first two books.  There are some plot twists that I didn't see coming. But I didn't like where things went with the twins. I started to feel sorry for them, and I don't want to feel sorry for the villain. They didn't seem like the boogey men that they had been throughout the series.  I also didn't like Bryn's Dad. I know he was a villain, but I didn't think he was a great villain. I could see through him too easily.


This book has some great news for the McQueen family. There is also a lot of sadness, which you've come to expect from this series.  However, I think overall, this book does have more happiness than sadness.  The trilogy does wrap up well. I would still give the entire series a 4 stars and believe it is a must read for all PNR/UF fans.

**Book was provided to me by NetGalley. This review is my opinion and was not provoked in anyway.