Gray Bishop (Cornerstone Run Trilogy #2) by Kelly Meade

I loved book one of this series and couldn't wait to get my hands on this book, though I'll be honest, I was more excited to get book three. The story of the white wolf and the tragedy that Knight has gone through really made me want to read his story. My real goal was to get through this one to get to the next. Boy, I was mistaken. This story was amazing and gives new meaning to tragic.
This story picks up right where book one leaves off. Cornerstone is trying to recover from the attacks from the hybrids. The loupe garou have it tough recently. One town is completely gone with a single survivor. Another lost more than half it's numbers. They at least know now what they are facing and what their enemies are after. That will make things easier, right? WRONG.
Our heroine of this book is Jillian Reynolds, the daughter of the Springwell alpha. She is a widow and a black wolf. She is set to be the next alpha female for Springwell, but she needs to find a nice black wolf male to mate and replace her late husband. Problem is, her wolf really likes Bishop McQueen, the eldest son of the Cornerstone alpha.
Normally, gray wolves wouldn't become alpha, but since it looked like there wasn't going to be a black wolf in the McQueen family, as Rook was born many years later and didn't shift for even longer to see that he was black, Bishop was being groomed to take over when his father retired. It then seems that things are in the air as to whether Rook or Bishop was going to take over as alpha. However, in the previous book, Rook takes a mate that is not loup garou, he cannot be alpha. That puts future alpha solely back on Bishop.
It seems that no matter how much Jillian and Bishop's wolves insist that they belong together, it doesn't seem like it will be possible as they both have separate runs that they need to lead. Tragedy happens and things change for all involved.
The story that is told here is so enveloping that you get lost in the pages and the world of the loup garou. The story is dark, very dark. There is so much death and despair, that we are starting to get numbers like Game of Thrones. There is a sadness that made me go get the tissues. It is a great story and you can see how the characters over come the tragedy that is laid before them.
I highly recommend this series for shifter fans who are not opposed to violence and sadness in their stories. All that sadness is worth the great story and character growth that comes from tragedy.
I received this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.